My first feature-length documentary as a director.
Premiere: Hof International Film Festival 2024
Cinema release summer 2025
Qrt – a condensed existence of the 90s in Berlin, sleeplessly and aimlessly analyzing the themes of the time. From punk and techno, heroes and saints, comics and film, philosophy and performance. He made himself the subject of a radical life, too close, too intense.
This documentary approaches Qrt’s life and creates an anecdotal biography based on interviews with Qrt’s friends, who look back on their time together until Qrt’s tragic drug-related death in ’96. Excerpts from his texts, which were published posthumously by Merve, a theory publisher, are also presented.
This film is not a search for truth, but a necrology. Qrt himself becomes a zombie who is resurrected and haunts the film, in keeping with the zombology he developed to replace anthropology.
Qrt wrote: “Those who are dead cannot talk about it. Those who are still alive and speak of death do not know what they are talking about. Now we find ourselves undead, that is, we are too dead to speak, but too alive to bear our silence.” So we should now take the opportunity to listen to a dead person, he has a lot to tell us.